Tell them about me, Meowmy!

"You haven't introduced me!"

Oh, alright.  This is Casper, the third meezer in the "Texas Pride", DH's cat.  He is a Flame Point, although perhaps hard to see that aspect in this photo.  Flame Points have an orange tinge where meezers are darker, and are white elsewhere.  As you can see in my icon, he has beautiful ice-blue eyes. Casper fancies himself to be a paperweight, and extends that duty to sitting on all knitwear that is being blocked or photographed.

As you might expect, Casper is from Texas Siamese
Rescue.  We actually went over to Denton, Texas expecting to bring home a Tonkinese male to complete our family.  However, he had health issues, and the search was on for the right cat.  I felt like one of the Prince's servants, carrying a glass slipper on a pillow from house to house, looking for the perfect fit. 

DH and I entered one room where he was immediately greeted by a Russian Blue cat.  This was good – I'm the "cat person", and if a cat really likes DH, all the better.  Not good…the Russian hated me…he was a man's cat, only.  Le sigh.  The search continued. 

GrandMeowmy (the director of Texas Siamese Rescue) has the patience of a saint.  I believe we made the acquaintance of all the cats there.  She knew who had to be an "only cat", who was dominant, passive, shy, aggressive.   When  a cat tried, but  didn't work for us, she told it "You did a good job, you showed really well, this just isn't your family."  That breaks my heart even today! 

GrandMeowmy pulled Casper out from his hiding place under a chair that was draped with a towel.  Casper (the friendly ghost) specialized in being there without being seen.  He was an agreeable fellow, equally accepting of both DH and me.  GrandMeowmy explained that flame points were created by crossing Siamese with Red Tabby, who are known for their marvelous disposition.  Most flame points are males.  "He's the real thing" she said.  All this time Casper was being held by DH, and getting comfy there.  It was felt that he would get along with Torie, our "warrior princess" and The Lady Minky.  The glass slipper fit:  we had found our boy cat. 

Casper received less than a royal welcome in Louisiana.  After an isolation period behind closed door (with much muttering on both sides) the door was casually left open.  Torie spend the next two weeks spitting and hissing at Casper.  Casper would look at her over his shoulder, "You have a problem?"  and walk on.  Over time they have developed roles, territories, and household duties.  Torie is in charge, and still bullies Casper a bit, but they seem to enjoy chasing each other.

The ghostly aspect of Casper seems to be a real talent.  If you look beyond Casper in the picture you can see we have hardwood floors, white woodwork, and golden beige walls…Casper colors.  He can disappear anywhere in this house.  We know he is chuckling at us in plain sight, yet we search and search for him. 

Tomorrow:  "Casper the paw"

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The Elusive Torie

Meet Victoria, "Torie", my warrior princess.  Torie is the alpha female of our trio of Meezers.   She is a tortoise-point Siamese, bred from a champion Seal-point father and an equally fine Snow Leopard Oriental mother.  Torie has the little lynx tufts on the tips of her ears that her mother and two lynx sisters had.  I think they are endearing.

Given her pedigree, you may be surprised to know that Torie and I met and bonded at Texas Siamese Rescue, where she, her mother and sisters, and two Aunts and their litters were waiting for forever homes.  That's 15 fine kitties seeking adoption.  Very unusual, I assure you.  But it gets stranger. 

In 1984 my Mother, who lived in Iowa, arranged to meet a Nebraska cat breeder at the Des Moines, Iowa cat show to select a Siamese kitten.  Mother cheated:  she wore a fuzzy sweater, and the kitty she liked instantly fell for her.  He was a blue-point wedge she named Gwyned. Mother always spoke of how well the breeder raised her cats in her home, not a cattery, so they would have good personalities.  She added the breeder insisted that if Mother could no longer keep the cat it was to return to its breeder.  Gwyned lived with Mother for many years, and, indeed, outlived Mother by 4 years.  He came to our home, under the care of our daughter and son-in-law, and moved on to graduate school with them. 

But what about Torie, you ask?  I called GrandMeowmy at Texas Siamese Rescue to inquire, "How has it happened that you suddenly have 3 registered Moms and 15 registered kittens for adoption?"  She told me the breeder was dying of cancer, and had chosen to place them through Siamese Rescue.  They had come from Arapaho, Nebraska.  You know the moment I got off the phone I started a search for Siamese cat breeders in Nebraska.  Yes, it was the same one (there were only two).  When I read her website, it was like hearing Mother tell it again. 

And how did you choose her?  Her ditsy sisters didn't want any attention, didn't want to be held.  Torie looked me in the eyes and settled down on my chest for 45 minutes.  "Oh, Hello!" 

And the "elusive" part?  Many visitors to our house never see her.  Yet she is fearless and even bossy with the other two cats.  She is extremely strong and athletic, even for a Meezer.  Torie can sharpen her claws while she is hanging from her cat tower. 

Oh, and was that knitting you see behind Torie?  Indeed, it was.  Here, let me show you a bit more:

It's Samus, the unblocked body and one sleeve.  

Having accomplished this much, I'm disinclined to cast on for the second sleeve just before Summer of Socks.  You probably won't see this project again until September.  By then it should be tempting again.

My biggest mistake was reading the instructions in an idle moment.  To finish, I not only need to knit the second sleeve, but I also need to knit attached I-cord around the neckline/front/hem of the sweater, knit attached I-cord at each cuff, sew in ribbon in the fronts, and sew in a zipper.  Just a tad more to do, eh?  Sigh. 

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