Just Saying…

Yesterday it did snow here, and for four beautiful hours big, fat flakes fell from the sky.  That was from the perspective of my lakefront windows.

Not everyone thought it was glorious.  Our blue heron likes to stand on the fountain base in the middle of the lake (when the fountain isn’t running…not a Heron shower).  There he stood in quiet dignity while big  snowflakes made his blue grey.  That just wasn’t right!

The other bird whose routine was disturbed was one of the mallard hens.  They often of a morning root around in the grass for insects.  The added inch of snow accumulation meant she came up with her bill looking like a “milk mustache”.  Mustn’t laugh at mallards,  mustn’t laugh at mallards!

I’m not doing the whole knitting Olympics thing, but, of course, I am knitting while I watch.  Last night I finished up the toes of a simple sock and a Jaywalker, and cast on their mates.  The simple sock is my usual purse knitting, and the Jaywalker my home knitting sock.

Did you see the two new patterns Knitty is offering? I could knit Skew, but I don’t think I would ever wear them.  Rooibos, however, looked like it was written for me!  It will fit both my lifestyle and bod.  Why, yes, I have ordered yarn:  Knit Picks is shipping me some Swish Bulky in Merlot Heather.

Best of all?  It’s Spring Break, a.k.a. Mardi Gras, so I don’t have to study this week for my seminar.  Knit on!

And yet again!

I know much of the East Coast has been bombarded by repeated blizzards.  It’s been a record year for much of the country, and I acknowledge their plight before I complain of my own.  With that disclaimer, let me tell you what a weird year it’s been in Louisiana!

I’ve been a resident, other than some company assignments in other states, since 1974.  In that time I’ve seen maybe four light snowfalls.  They have always been an occasion of much wonder and surprise for the locals.  This winter we have already had two measurable snowfalls .  One began on the evening of my great-granddaughter’s birth, and I am certain she will always be told of that event.  So you can imagine my surprise when my Weather Bug started chirping today with a winter storm warning for Thursday through Friday…measurable snow and sleet!

When the Saints won the Superbowl, the headlines here were “No, hell has not frozen over!”  One would wonder if the journalists thoroughly checked their sources on this one.

Sneaux Day

The local media dubbed yesterday “Sneaux Day”, and the TV stations had all-morning coverage of the snow.  Our little town is north of Baton Rouge, and got 5.5 inches of snow (BR got only 3 inches).

The meezers watched in amazement, as it was their first snow.  All three of them had a prolonged kitty nap time on my lap.  I call that “piling on”.  I was surprised that the three of them would suspend all jealous hostilities that long.  No one was willing to risk loosing a spot close to Meowmy, I guess.

At the end of the day we had our first fire, and Minky was truly grateful.  This is as relaxed as she gets!

Who Sang That Song?

OK, what drunk at Karaoke night asked for “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow”?  Come on, folks, this is the Deep South.  This post is going to be picture-heavy, because today is historical.This is the view out my studio window of our neighbor’s new fairytale cottage, frosted with snow.Our beautiful Sego palm has bowed under the weight of the snow, and the right sentry Magnolia is bent, too.  Here is what I expect to see:Now, back to reality.  Even the decorative grass planted in the urn outside DH’s office window is weighted down with snow.  It’s in a sheltered L of the house, too.

Dang, I knew I should have finished knitting my mittens!