Knitting Updates

On January 15th, I showed you the beginning of Primavera Socks, knit with Wollemeise Blue Susanne.  I was concerned that they were pooling too much, and asked what you thought.  Yes, it was frogged.  So many people rave about Wollemeise, but if this was my only experience with it, it would be a real disappointment.

DD, Celticdragonfly on Ravelry, to the rescue.  She gave me Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn for Christmas.  This book explains why handpainted yarns misbehave, and how to avoid that. I had my choice of tinkering with the Primavera pattern, or trying one of the book’s patterns that were designed for the wilder multi-color yarns.  I went for Rib Fantastic Socks (Ravelry link) from the book.  What a difference it made!

Meanwhile, Acer (Ravelry link) was waiting to be finished, with one and a half sleeves remaining.  I pressed on and finished it this weekend.  The buttons were purchased at a historical reinactment at the fort in Nachitochez, LA in 2003.  The purchase was purely speculative then.  (Who knew knitters bought things without knowing what they would do with them?  Right!) I really like with the waistline shaping of this pattern.  The sweater fits well, but because the garter stitch band is very soft in this yarn, it tends to pull and gap.  This will be primarily a house sweater, and I am very pleased with it.

Did you notice?  I got my hair cut in bangs this week.  I really missed my pixie hair cut with bangs, but DH is very fond of my hair this length.  This new style makes us both happy.

It’s so dark!

I’m here, but I fear I’m not fit company, so I haven’t said much.  DH and I suspect that my mood might be caused by the winter dark.

Knitting is happening:  Acer (Ravelry link) has been knit top-down, the body complete and half of the first sleeve done.  It’s in Brown Sheep’s Lamb’s Pride Superwash, Almond Blossom. All I can say is, boy, does knitting the body back and forth and the sleeves in the round show off how uneven my back and forth knitting is.  Elizabeth Zimmermann said she used to think the old-time knitters were much better at getting a balanced stitch.  Finally, she realized they weren’t, the garments had just been washed enough times that the stitches had evened out.  One can but hope.

Last night I spend some time hunting on Ravelry looking for a shawl or scarf pattern that would look good with a handpainted laceweight yarn.  I have a skein of  Knitivity Uptown Road laceweight in “beach” colors, sand and water.   Diagonale Shawl (Ravelry link)  was designed for handpainted merino lace – perfect!  I cast on last night for a bit of a diversion, and found it quite enjoyable.  (What does a knitter do when things aren’t going well?  Cast on, of course!)  As I typed this, thoughts of Harry Potter and Diagon Ally presented themselves.  Now I’ll never see this knitting without thinking of Harry.  Oh well, that bit included Mrs. Weasley, and her prolific knitting.  One could do worse!

Lest you think I am drowning in a sea of beige yarn, I should fess up that I am also knitting Primavera socks (Ravelry link) in Wollemeise Blue Susanne.   No, I’ve never managed to get in on the feeding frenzy that is Wollemeise available at Loopy Ewe.  I won this skein last year in Sherrie’s random acts of kindness contest.

At first, I found the Primavera hard slogging because I was having difficulty getting my right needle in for the M1R and the purl 3 tog wasn’t exactly fun, either.  Yesterday, I came out of my fog long enough to realize that I should change from my pair of Addi circulars to a long Knit Picks needle and knit magic loop.  That gave me the incredible Knit Picks needle tips, and I breezed through three repeats of pattern.  It tends to pool a bit, but in a charming way.  I like Primavera, but wonder if I should frog this and try manipulating the pattern with added purls to change the color distribution.  I have a feeling that it would only change a bit, and might not be worth it.  What do you think?