There’s little chance of repeating myself

When I looked at the sock yarn stash for the next project, I took into consideration the fact that DH was having outpatient surgery this morning.  (He’s home and doing well, thanks.) This Opal yarn that had been marinating for 7-8 years seemed like a good candidate.  I knew a “plain vanilla sock” would knit best in a waiting-room situation.

Last night I showed DH the cuff, and remarked on how very long the repeat is.  I had knit a 6 3/4″ cuff instead of my usual 6″ because I know Opal has a generous amount per ball. Look at the cuff:  it starts with that light purple-grey, then goes dark purple, then bright pink.  That sequence doesn’t reoccur until I had turned the heel and started picking up the gusset.

I should explain that DH is a non-knitting “muggle”, but one who has obviously paid attention to his knitting spouse.  He looked at that cuff, and suggested “It looks like the repeat is just about half a sock.  If you see that light purple coming up again, stop knitting this sock and break the yarn.  Cast on for the second sock, and come back later and finish the toe.”  That’s brilliant, I think!  I’ll show you next week how it comes out.


  1. bookwormblue said,

    February 20, 2009 at 1:00 pm

    So glad to hear WD (wonderful Dad, DD would not have worked) is doing well. What pretty socks! Sending you both my love.

  2. koto-chan said,

    February 20, 2009 at 1:40 pm

    I’m glad that your DH is doing well. I love the socks, and I also love it when our men suddenly break out the knitting knowledge they’ve absorbed over the years! 😉

  3. The Meezer said,

    February 20, 2009 at 2:29 pm

    That’s great! I think he’s also one of those who detects patterns well, kinda mathematical, am I right?
    I’m glad he’s doing well, and let me tell you – I wish that sock yarn weren’t 7-8 years old … I’d be out surfing the web to find it! It’s VERY pretty!

  4. AlisonH said,

    February 20, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    Cool! You’ve got you a good one. Wishing him speedy healing.

  5. Laura Gallagher said,

    February 24, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    Hey! Why was Dad having outpatient surgery? Eek.

    By the way – who was it that used to host the big pancake breakfasts around Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge? I was telling Karl about those this morning over pancakes.

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