
The course I am taking requires us to write a spiritual biography at the beginning of the year.  This year the format asks that we describe our life in terms of friends, physical life, and play life.  If I were writing about my play life for you to read, I would simply refer to the knitting/blogging/Ravelry lifestyle.  However, for these muggles I have a lot of explaining to do.  The nuances will still be lost, I fear.

I finished my Mother’s Day socks last night.  DD gave me yarn for two pairs of socks; this pair is Knit Picks Essential in Peacock Multi (purple/green/robin’s egg blue). It’s perfect:  she loves purple, and her name is Robyn.  The cuff was knit in 2 x 2 rib.  When the yarn behaved very nicely in that pattern, I carried it on for the whole sock.

Alison blogged about having to re-learn Kitchener stitch after a long time of not using it.   As I read her blog, I was reminded of today’s tech tip.  The most versatile knitting tool you have in your purse is a cell phone with another knitter’s phone number in the contacts.  You see, I often take socks as my road-trip knitting.  Last year I had to call my knitting DD in Texas several times to tell me how to set up the Kitchener stitch.  I can do the stitch with the best of them once I get started–my mind just can’t keep the pattern stored.  Finally, I saw and purchased a Kitchener dog tag key chain from Knitcellaneous.  It’s a delightful gadget, and I never leave home without it.


  1. AlisonH said,

    September 2, 2009 at 12:03 pm

    I am SO buying one of those! Thank you thank you thank you!

  2. Knitnana said,

    September 2, 2009 at 12:18 pm

    This is why you need to learn to knit toe-up socks! No Kitchener!
    The socks are lovely!
    (and um…yeah, how do you explain blogs and Ravelry to muggles? The knitting is at least a bit easier – tho’ my boss still shakes her head everytime she sees me wearing a shawl – what IS the difference – she doesn’t shake her head at sweater wearers!!)

    • Laura Gallagher said,

      September 4, 2009 at 12:48 am

      Yeah, I’ve had people tell me that. I think Kitchener is easy. Doing an elastic cast-off, THAT’s hard.

  3. bookwormblue said,

    September 2, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    Oh, lovely. I hope you find them as pretty as I do, and that you get lots of use out of them. (Cold days and nights ahead full of warm, furry feet!) 🙂

  4. Debby said,

    September 3, 2009 at 10:06 am

    I hope your class goes well. The spiritual biography assignment sounds very interesting! I am finishing a bible study myself and am looking forward to a little break now.

    Welcome to Archie!! (I am behind in my blog reading — sorry about that). He is SO handsome and I hope and pray that things continue to go well as he acclimates to your house. He is so fortunate to have you as his new family!

  5. Laura Gallagher said,

    September 4, 2009 at 12:50 am

    Ah yes, I remember those phone calls. Now I know why you haven’t called back with that question again!

    I’m working on the heel flap of those modified (like EVERY pair of socks I do, me with the women’s wide feet) diagonal rib socks, in the Knitivity Aunt Gail colorway yarn I got with that gift certificate you sent for my birthday one year.

  6. tina said,

    September 7, 2009 at 9:48 am

    Upon reading your post (fine socks btw) I said to myself “Damn How Clever!!!”

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